Monday, August 9, 2010


Today the big kids went back to school.  This is Z's third year going to our neighborhood (and tiny and WONDERFUL) elementary school and entering the 3rd grade.  This is K's very first year at this school and entering 1st grade.  I was so nervous for her.  You can read a tiny bit of her story here to know why.
She did GREAT!  She loved it and made new friends.  Talked to her new teacher even!  On the first day (we met her a few times already though)!!  She can't wait to go back tomorrow.  
I can't even tell you what a relief this is!

To distract the littlest ones who just lost half their playmates for the day, we went to story time.  They read When a Mouse Goes to School and did craft.  For some reason Maressa wanted her bus green.

I used to take Z for every week for years when he was a toddler.  Every single Monday.  We loved it.  We go to our local Barnes&Noble for those wondering.  Then things got crazy and I was always pregnant or nursing.  And he started preschool and all that encompasses.  The years are flying by and my baby Maressa is starting preschool next week.  Three whole mornings a week.  So I will be a mess next week.  I may not be around here.  I will be totally useless and sad at home probably eating way too much chocolate or pop tarts and becoming zombie like in front of the tv.  Then I will snap out of it.  I hope.  Then I will find things to do to occupy my child free hours of the morning. :)

Anyways, I promised myself I would make the most of Mon and Fri mornings that she is home with me.  No cleaning or computer on those mornings.  And we are going to story time every Mon.  Just me and her.  
And Target.  She's my shopping buddy!  It wouldn't be the same to go without her.  
Me with my Starbucks and her with a starbucks cup of water and her chocolate cheerios.  
Singing and shopping down the aisles of Target.  :)

Today, I made a special after school snack.  I mostly just wanted to try out a marshmallow based frosting. 
 I used this recipe, but halved it and it made plenty to cover all the cupcakes. 
 It was yummy, but a bit too buttery for my taste. 
 It tasted kinda like you were eating rice krispie treats before you add the rice krispies and added more butter.  It was super fluffy though and the kids happily licked all of it off before eating their cupcakes (something my 8 yr old doesn't do often...he usually doesn't like frosting.)


And before all the homework, cub scouts, preschool parties and fall baseball starts up we finished up a craft.  Inspired by this post, I pulled out these letters that I bought last winter to do a very similar craft and let the kids have at it.  With Maressa, I just sat and she pointed where she wanted glue and then she placed all the pretties.  Micah used foam stickers.

Goodbye summer break...we will miss you!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sad about the start of school--we have 5 days left. This is the first year I'm sending Savannah (1st grade) and its going to be weird, especially if Abe gets into the preschool. As much as I'd like a few child-free hours a week, I also don't want them to grow up!


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