Thursday, September 16, 2010

Making a Difference with blogging

This morning in my reader, there were 2 separate blogs I read regularly that had posts for the benefit of others.  I love that thing about the crafty blogging community.  With all the thousands of readers they have, such a difference can be made from a simple plea in one post.  While I consider blogging and reading blogs a bit of a frivolous hobby, feasting my eyes on beautiful pictures and colors and making mile long to-do lists for the latest and greatest crafts, this is one part I love.  There are so many readers on so many blogs, meaning that most of us have easily a hundred blogs in our readers, which also means that messages go a long way to many many people very quickly.  What an awesome thing it is to use that 'power' for good.

So I'm going to vote.
And I'm going to pick up some kids vitamins.

What about you?  :)

1 comment:

  1. I voted! Thanks for sharing. Jason's mom passed away 5 years ago from Lou Gherigs. It is a terrible disease.


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