Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving dinner for the birds

At Maressa's preschool Thanksgiving party we made bagel bird feeders.

Super simple projects for little hands.  Just need some stale bagels, peanut butter, string and birdseed.
We actually used sun butter (made with sunflower kernels) as there is a peanut allergy in the class.  We took the bagel halves and tied a piece of yarn through the hole and around.  Then we let the kids have at it with spreading the sun butter on the bagel.  After the bagels were thoroughly covered they dipped the butter side in bird seed.  And voila!  Feast for the birds!  :)

We came home and hung it from the tree outside our kitchen window.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! Over the weekend I was just thinking I needed to put something out for the birds, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money. Thanks for the idea!


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