Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I drank the Missoni koolaid

Ok so I wasn't waiting outside Target's doors on the launch day, but I did snag a few things the next day.

To be perfectly honest I didn't know this designer, nor am I really up on any. 
I'm not a 'designer' kinda girl.  I like what I like regardless of name.

I did see the commercials and did fall in love with the stuff upon first sight. 
 If you've been around here long enough you would know I love color and pattern.

I was mostly hoping to just look and touch everything.  I was dissappointed that most all was gone.
Even here in Alabama.

But I did get this shower curtain.
That's right it's a shower curtain in my dining room.
I bought it actually with the intentions of cutting it up for throw pillows and a tote.
But I really like it here for now.  And the bowl.  The colors fit perfectly in my eclectic dining room.
And do you know how hard it is to find a super cool table cloth for a large square table?

I've never showed you guys all of my dining room when it's not been decked out for a party.
I'm still working on a few spots, and I will post pictures eventually. :)


  1. Title cracked me up. From what I've seen on some of the blogs I follow it looks like the Emperor's New Clothes/Home Decor. I'm glad you found some pieces that fit with your style. The dining room looks great.

  2. So here's the shower curtain you were talking about. It looks great as a tablecloth and I really like the colors.


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