For Christmas Santa brought me a new lens.
Last year he brought me photography lessons.
Now that I know how to use all the buttons on my camera and have a proper lens for indoor photos, I've got a lot of practicing to do.
For me, I love photography.
I love taking pictures....lots of them.
Of everything.
But I have no illusions of grandeur so getting paid to do
I do it for me.
Anyway, I've decided to see if I can do a photo a day.
Just one of something random in our day.
The above photos are of last week.
I don't want to bore you all with these daily, so I'll just put them in a collage and share on Fridays.
Just a few notes on my pictures above.
Zachary actually took the one of me and Micah...I fixed the settings on my camera and let him shoot, then I edited them.
Kalla's bball picture...this is her very first game ever. She finally got brave enough to try this year. :)
All photos are taken with my new 50mm except the bball where I have to use a zoom.
Anyone interested in sharing a photo a day with me?
If there is any interest, I can add a linky to my posts on Fridays.
I love the idea!Please do!:)