Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pineapple Pancakes

These are my absolute fav way to eat pancakes.  My mom used to make them for me as a kid.  We don't remember how the idea to put pineapple in the pancakes, but boy are they tasty!  When I make them for others, they become pineapple pancake converts.  Pre-kids, we used to go camping several times a year with the teens at our previous congregation at a place that you would sleep in tents, but they did have electrical outlets.  So I would bring my skillet and make everyone pineapple pancakes in the morning. Boy I miss those days...we hope to get brave enough to take the kids camping up there this year, but Kalla is afraid of woods in the dark and bugs...ugh.

Make any pancake mix you like (I'm a big fan of the Fiber One is sweet and light, not to mention low in WW points).  You can used a small can of drained crushed pineapple, or if you have fresh on hand, just cut into small pieces.  I like a piece of pineapple in every bite, so I put in a lot.  Then drizzle on some syrup and enjoy!


  1. Totally going to make these! I love pineapple in stuff: carrot cake, pineapple chicken and now pancakes! Crazy!

  2. I wondered when you would post this. Can't wait to try them:o) Miss the camping days as well.


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