Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our Big List of Stuff to Do This Summer

Summer break has officially started here this morning.  I love summer break so much!  I love having the kids home, not having to keep a schedule, lazy mornings and thinking up fun stuff to do.  I do have it a little easy that my kids (for the most part) play really well together.  They've got great imaginations and don't require anything fancy to keep them occupied.  But we do have to fight the "I'm bored" at times.  With 4 kids I tend to try to keep one step ahead and foresee and prevent issues as best I can.  So with summer I take the bull by the horns and try to keep us busy with lots of little fun ideas.  I have made a master list for us to choose from daily to have plenty of ideas to do.  I plan to print it and hang it on the fridge.

So without further adieu, here is our list so far:

sprinklers/slip n slide
deck tent ~ sheets pinned to clothes line to make tent
go for a walk
kid resort ~we pull out the bouncy, pop up tent and fill the baby pool with balls
bake with mom
Moon Pie stories ~ B&N does this in their store but it's late for us starting at 7:30pm, so we will eat mini moon pies at home on the deck while I read stories
projects from Usborne science book
bunk bed forts
make your own sundae night

Early Works children's museum
duck park 
chick fil a ~ breakfast n play
Green Mountain
Bridgestreet~ pizza and carrousel
Old McDonald Farm
tennis lessons

Our craft list is pretty long.  I will of course share when we get to each of them.  But for now here are a few places I found some fun and neat stuff to do:
Pink and Greem Mama ~ I love her art ideas!
Easy kids crafts ~ modern craft ideas with Todd Oldham
Meg at Whatever always has fun art projects ~ we are doing the flower and circle art for sure!
zakka life kids crafts
bkids has fabulously fun kids craft projects

And I have a box of craft supplies headed our way from Oriental Trading Co...my kids are going to flip for painting their own wooden wiggly snake.  :)

Other things we will do is bake and cook in the kitchen.  I have a great kids cook book for us to make yummy snacks and meals from.

So what are your favorite ways to spend your summer days?


  1. Ooh - wow - thanks for sharing some of you favorite craft links! I will definitely bookmark this page to use this summer!

    Your list sounds like tons of fun! I better step up my game so my kiddos have a great summer, too! ;)

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. I'm going to have to check out your craft links.

    I did a list just a few days ago on our blog as well--lots of fun things going on this summer in Charlotte!

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! I love your blog.

  4. Krista, you are welcome. :)

    Kim, I bet you guys have lots of things in Charlotte...my sister lives there btw.

    Michelle, thank you!


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