Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Rainbow & Unicorn Party

Rainbows and unicorns.  She designed her own invitations.  This was definitely a collaborative effort.  :)

I made these mobiles for decoration, however this is Alabama in July and while the temp wasn't bad on Saturday (the one 'cool' day in the upper 80's), the humidity was 100%.  So as you can see it was minutes before the vellum curled really bad.  I used an unicorn cookie cutter to trace and cut the unicorn heads out of sparkly card stock paper to attach to the bottom and then tied some tiny washer to the very bottom of the thread to prevent it from curling up from the bottom as well.

Table decor:  bud vases and skittles with these cute pinwheels I picked up years ago on clearance somewhere.  I used white paper table cloths with a purple crepe runner and curling ribbons.
Used small canning jars tied with ribbon for the glasses.  Used clear glass appetizer/salad plates ($1 a piece from Walmart) with napkin, rainbow twizzler and sparkly paper unicorn head.

Food:  rainbow goldfish, bowl of fruit salad (I originally planned making kabobs in rainbow color form~starwberry, orange, pineapple, kiwi, blueberry and purple grapes~but ran out of time and tossed them all in a bowl) and rainbow sandwiches.  A local grocery store bakery (Publix) makes rainbow bread.  I made a variety of sandwiches on the bread.   Chicken salad crossiant sandwiches and extra pieces of rainbow cake for adults.

I made a simple rainbow sheet cake with buttercream frosting.  Cut out unicorns on purple sparkly paper and taped to lollipop sticks for toppers.  I opted to do the sheet cake as a time saver to cupcakes and I wanted to pre-cut it so we can view all the colorful goodness.  ;)
Pre-scooped chocolate chip ice cream with sprinkles.  I put the scoops in the cupcake cups in a cupcake pan the night before, then covered with alluminum foil and kept in the freezer.
Seven is {rainbow} heaven.  :)
Had our craft table set up.  Supplies:  tons of glitter, mod podge, foam paint brushes, large paper plates, small brads and clear acrylic spray.  Mod podge glue was poured into cupcake liners for each girl.
Here is what we made.  Glitter unicorns.  We used Ann Woods stampede tutorial.  I printed the template and traced the pieces on posterboard and added a horn.  I cut out the pieces.  Then I used a regular hole punch to make a hole in the bodies and the legs where we would attach them.  I did these first steps  ahead of time.  I gave each girl the pieces to make a unicorn and let them glitter them.  They painted on the glue then sprinkled the glitter.  They left them to dry a bit and I took each plate and sprayed the cldear acrylic on to seal in the glitter.  Once dried a bit, we attached the legs with the brads.

Also, a big hit was our new trampoline and a plethera of sparkly temporary tatoos...they all got one on their arm and ankles.
Party favors were put in these large matchbox boxes.  I covered them in scrapbook papers and taped a lollipop on top.
Inside we put a tiny crayon set, fun stickers, eraser and these rainbow bracelets that Kalla and I made.  Beads and elastic bracelet string from Hobby Lobby.

There you have it! :)


  1. I shouldn't have shown my girls. Now they are begging me for this party. All 3 of them and their birthdays aren't until next year. I'll blame you for posting such an adorable, most girlie party, I've ever seen ;)Great work on the party!

  2. Awesome party. LOVE everything about it. That is one happy looking cake. Yum!

    We just had a pinkalicous party this weekend. It was great fun!


  3. You did a great job! I know she had a wonderful time. Looking forward to putting on E's party in September!

  4. how fabulous, love that evryone chipped to make and create

  5. Wow !! such a beautiful n colorful party !!!

    - Smita

  6. So stinkin' cute!! Hooray for 7th Rainbow Parties!!
    We had one this year for my 7 year old and she and all of her friends want another one next year : )

  7. What a wonderful party for a sweet little girl. I'll bet she'll remember this party always. So much fun & so colorful. I wish someone would throw me a party like this :)

  8. Very cute! I actually like the 'wilted' version of the mobiles better than the straight ones in the tutorial...more whimsical. Wish I had a little girl to make a pretty party for.

  9. Great ideas! - I might try some for my daughter's party. What a beautiful party you did for her. :)


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