Thursday, October 14, 2010

Again with the paint

Yep, painting another piece of antique furniture.  We got this piece with wedding money during our honeymoon week (we didn't go anywhere...tragic, I know).  When we moved into our new house, it wasn't the right scale for the dining room really.  Then I got this for storage and decided to ditch the china cabinet.  So it sat in my garage forever.  Then I had a change of heart.  I decided maybe I could pep it up and then use it to store fun colorful pieces and I maybe will even make cloth napkins (that I've been hanging out on my to do list for a really long time) to roll up and put in a pretty basket or something.

So I have most of a primer coat on and can't wait til it is bright white.  Maybe soon I'll finally have the dining room reveal...nothing to hold your breath over, but I want to get more details done before I go taking pictures and all.  ;)

Yeah and don't think that dresser is safe's dull brown days are numbered.

Oh and speaking of thrifting.  I went to Goodwill yesterday and found lots of treasures.  Will share soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for the china cabinet! It's probably glad you didn't Craig's list it after all.


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