Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Well summer break is in full force and we haven't slowed down yet. 
 But we're having a good time...just tired.
  I really hope to find more time to get over here to my blog. 
 I've got some tutorials, some before and afters and whatnot. 
Then there's the birthday parties coming up.  :)

So far we've posted a summer list (like many other bloggers) on our fridge.  That and a calendar. 
 I think the kids like to check it every morning at breakfast to see what's up for the day.

We're hosting a craft camp for our friends on Friday mornings. 
 Our first one we made these squid like seen on  Whatever
It was a little ambitious to try to do with 13 kids in one morning.  :) 
But they loved them.
I'm making a ton of iced coffee to keep up with the active schedule we've been keeping.
Brewing 4 C water over 1/3 bold coffee
Pour in 2 qt pitcher/container
Add 1/4 C vanilla syrup
Add milk moslty to the top (see photo) or to your preference.
My other fav snack is a yummy plain cheese bagel from Target bakery and a homemade cream soda.

Speaking of bagels, we hope to try our hand at making some homemade bagels this summer.
I dunno...there is just something  about making stuff yourself. 
 Plus to get the really good bagels is expensive! 

Trying to get back in creative mode. 
Scavenged the house for all cheap glassware to spray paint.
(as seen in a magazine and on various blogs)
Yeah that was fun.
Hubby says "I don't get it."  lol

Maressa had her first ballet class. 
She didn't stop grinning the whole 45 mins.
The other 3 loved watching her cute lil self too.
Mental note to self:  make sure she wears less baggy undies that day.

And we're been to the water fountains for a free splash.
For the most part they all enjoy it.
Maressa however did request me making them smaller for her.

See you tomorrow with my very happy laundry room/closet makeover. 


  1. I love the modest bathing suits for your girls. Where did you find them? janet10@hotmail.com

  2. Jan, they are from Lands End. :) Be careful ordering the 2 piece one (tank and skirt). They fit funny, but I took recommendations from the reviews and ordered accordingly and had no problems.

  3. what type of paint did you use to paint the glass?

  4. I just used your basic colored spray paints in gloss I think. :)


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