Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My happy orange laundry closet

Just recently gave my little laundry area/closet a happy makeover.
This the the eye sore it was before.
I am not a fan of the wire shelving.
So those had to go.
And the clutter.  ugh
Some went away, some went in clear boxes on a shelf in the garage (which is a work in progress itself).

So I had lumber cut to fit and painted it white to make a neat shelf.
I have another to go up too higher to hold bulk items like paper towels and light bulbs, etc.

On one side I hung some hooks I found on clearance at Target to hold drying bathing suits and unmentionables.  :)
Something else that had to go were the awful disfunctional bifold doors.
Now, not only do I not have to fight with them on a daily basis, I have more room to reach in this space.
It also allowed me to move the washer and dryer to one side allowing more storage space on the other side.
On my shelf along with all the detergents and whatnot,  I have some tins from Target dollar spot to toss lint and treasures (ie coins, buttons, tiny toys, beads, etc) I find in the wash.
Jars and small metal buckets keep common tools handy.

Since getting rid of the doors, I bought a set of window panels and cut the hem to size and hung up with a tension shower rod.

But I admit I love the fun orange space so much I find myself more motivated to keep it nice and neat so as to keep the curtains open.
Sigh....happy happy color.
Almost makes laundry bearable fun.


  1. Wow, what a transformation! Great job! We are in the process of doing the same thing. I cut hair in my laundry room, so I wanted it to look less like a laundry room:o) I need your email address. We are having a singing at our house next Saturday. If you guys are available, we would love for you to come!

  2. Thanks Crystal! I have an email button on the blog that goes to my regular email. It's

    Singing sounds awesome...depends on the time...Z has a tourny game at 4:15 in Madison.

  3. I love it! So bright and cheery. My laundry actually has a room, but it's about the size of a closet with the entry on the side. The previous owners painted it really, really dark blue and it has no natural light. Needless to say, I'm out of there as quickly as I can. Thanks for the inspiration!


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