Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fun with maps and a playroom/den redo

It's been a slow makeover.  But it's mostly done.  Just a few details left.
Last summer we relaced the oh so lovely mauve carpet.
Here's the before pics.
Not sure what I wanna do with the old coffee table. 
 It's mostly there for when I sit and do some crafting at the couch.
The fireplace cover needs some paint love too.  And one day I'd love to have a mantle.
And I wanna make some fun pompom trim pillows too.
I redid all the bookshelves.
I bought 4 large maps off of eBay. 
Then I took off the shelves and used simple scotch tape and a blade to fit them and put them up.
When I got the nesting dolls I really intended to make them similiar to some arty type ones I saw last year in my cb2 catalog.
But with all the color going on, I kinda like the natural look for now.

  Here's the kids corner with my new bullentin board and the cool table I found thrifting last year.
(And in the top left corner of this pic you can see the beginning of my laudry closet makeover--orange!!)
This giant tv/entertainment center on the right was given to us.
Someone originally had it custom made and was later doing a new one and getting rid of this one.
It was missing some doors on the bottom which we were having made, but I think the guy who was gonna do it got distracted or something and never did.
When we had the carpet replaced last summer, he fixed this up for us and added molding and whatnot to make them look built in.
Our playroom is just off of our dining room. 
 The short wall in between I made a chalkboard wall and is where the kids ktichen is.


  1. LOVE (!) the maps on the back of the bookcases -- genius : )

  2. Great use for maps! I am hosting my first link party today and would love if you linked up! Thanks Chris @

  3. I'm a new follower. Found you doing a search on baby doll sleeping bags. I love what you've done with your playroom. Now I want to look around at your other posts. I'm really enjoying your blog.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love this room! I think you should modge podge the coffee table. Like this:

  6. Mary Lea and Chris, thanks!
    Pamela, great to have you!

    DIM Inc--thanks for the link...LOVE the modpodge coffee table...a great idea! :)


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