Baby/Toddler Hoodie Towels
Now take your bath towel and mark or pin the very center of one of the long sides. Place the seam of the hood down on that spot and pin hood along edge of towel with right sides of the towel and hood together. Sewn along that edge being careful to sew extra along the edge of the hood where it meets the towel.
It's now a hoodie towel. You can also embellish the sides of the bath towel too. These towels are a great baby or big sister/brother gift. They also would be good to make some for the pool or beach. My 1yr old uses them, my 6 yr old and the others in between. :)
Gifty/Personalized Towels
How to: Need nice quality bath towel and preshrunk cotton fabric. I measured the width of towel and added a couple of inches. Lay fabric right side down on back side of fabric with the edge meeting the edge of the towel. Then pin folding over the side edges to match the side edge of the towel. Sew fabric on back side of towel about 2-3" from edge. Then fold fabric over the edge to the other side. Tuck under the the fabric and pin. Sew along top. Be sure to use coordinating thread to sew, but in the bobbin use thread that matches the color of the towel. Now if desired, applique an initial or design. I won't go through the how to on applique, but if you don't know how I'm sure if you google you can find instructions on how to properly applique. :) I gave these towels as a wedding gift.
Gifty/Personalized Towels
Kids Hand-Drying Towel
How to: Use hand towel or generous sized washcloth (as pictured). Attach large grommet to corner. Use ribbon, binder clips or linked key chain to hang it on knob or towel bar. Hopefully this will be the last time you will find the good/for 'company' towels on the floor or toothpaste goop on them. ;) Ours hangs on the center set of cabinet drawers in the 'kids' bathroom for tall and small to reach. Works like magic (ie no nice pretty red 'for show only' towels thrown on floor and I have 2 for when I need to switch out a clean for the toothpaste gooped one).
I am very confused about how to fold and cut the hand towell for the hooded towell. can you clarify this for me? I really do want to make this. I cant figure out where your supposed to cut it and all that ??? HELP PLEASE???
Love the personalized towels, I gonna make some for a friend that just had her third boy!!!
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