Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Make a Valentine shirt

Make a simple Valentine shirt for your girl's (or yourself) this year. All you need is 2 (or more if you like) fabrics, Wonder under lite and tee.

I used a tee that actually had a Christmas print on the front and Kalla will be too big to wear next year. So instead of going out to buy a shirt, I made the hearts big enough to cover print.

To make, draw/trace heart shapes onto Wonder under LITE. I used a heart shaped cake pan for the larger one and scanned a heart shaped cookie cutter and enlarged it 150% for the inner heart. But I just found these lovely heart shapes you can use here. Now cut around the hearts, but OUTSIDE the lines (it doesn't need to be heart shaped yet). Iron the hearts onto the wrong side of your fabrics. Once cooled off, NOW you cut around hearts on lines. Peel off baking. Iron shirt and center first heart. Once satisfied with how it looks, iron it on. Repeat with any other heart layers. Now top stitch them on your shirt carefully using a ball point needle. If you like you can satin stitch them, but for these types of appliques I like the more casual Mini Boden look.

Make yourself one too...just make the hearts smaller and place on the upper left side of your shirt. :)


Angela said...

I love the Pop Garden with the red - great valentine!

Amy said...

this is great! I'm going to try it!

Heather said...

vert cute! and such sweet little valentines.

carrie said...

Too cute!


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