Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Little Miss turned five yesterday.
I can hardly stand it.
(I'm a day late posting, but yesterday was C-R-A-Z-Y)
Yes, the 10 yr old does this every chance he gets when I get the camera out.
Kinda annoying.  lol
This was the special birthday treat we sent to school.
The jumbo 'smarshmallows' dipped in chocolate with sprinkles.
This was the cake I made for us.
Idea from Bakerella here.
I used cake mix and my own fav frosting, but the rest was the same.
We ate it in our jammies right before bed (we waited for the boys who were at basketball practice).
It was good.


Peggy said...

Adorable! What a fun age!

zakkalife said...


I'm guessing that was the cake you were talking about. It looks delicious!


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