Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The quiet didn't last long.....

Today was a perfect weather day. Going back and forth to school it was warm, overcast and windy and driving down the streets you were showered with the most beautiful golden leaves. Call me crazy but I love overcast days in the fall. I even love the gloomy kinda gray in the house and I often work in the dark with only candles aglow. Today was no exception. The kids were in bed and I cleaned the kitchen energized by my apple spice candle lit on the table. I had the kitchen door open to the colorful show the leaves were putting on with the wind.

Course it didn't last long. Miss Fussy just would not go to sleep for her nap. After a while of hearing her play, fuss and cry off and on I got Miss Spoiled up. She was not real happy with my decision to put her in her highchair in the kitchen with me. That is til I handed her a piece of last night's garlic toast. Happy as a clam after that! Toast and some measuring cups to play with.

While I was in the kitchen I decided on a whim to try a recipe I noticed on my Stonyfield vanilla yogurt container this morning. Apple Spice muffins. They were very light and yummy!

Here's the recipe:

2C flour
1/2 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
2 C vanilla yogurt
1/4 C butter, melted
2 tsp cinnamon
1 C apples, peeled and chopped
I also added 2 pinches of nutmeg

Preheat oven 375F. Mix all dry ingredients in large bowl. In another bowl mix butter, eggs and yogurt. Mix the yogurt mix into the dry mix. Stir in apples. Bake 20-25. If you do mini muffins like I did, try 15 mins.

Makes 12 large muffins or mine made 36 mini muffins.

These were really good, low fat and just lightly sweet. If you like a lot sweeter muffin, I'd probably try adding 1/2 brown sugar. :)

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