And trips to Brewster's for ice cream.

And picking 'beautiful flowers'. I love this picture of my sweet girl in all her 5 year old glory. :)

And we've spent a lot of time at the ballpark!

Bringing along our favorite toys of course.
Today however, is blah. We are less one Daddy (business trip), sweet K is sick with fever for the 4th day. And I have an impending deadline for a bridesmaid dress I've been asked to make. We have baseball this evening...and edited here of previously posted plans.....so I'm looking for someone to take Z man to his game. Poor Kalla has now spiked to 104.5 and feels really terrible. We have a doc appt at 3:30. Please pray we don't have the flu.........
On a brighter note, my 2 and 3 yera old just cleaned the playroom all by themselves of their own idea!
Good job on the younger ones cleaning their rooms. Hope the flu hasn't come to visit. To make your children smile, did you know hamsters like dandelions? My daughter has been cheerfully pulling them from neighborhood lawns to feed to her hamster - who knew hamsters liked flowers?
Thanks! I have no idea what got into Micah to have him and little M clean up. Course that mostly meant they put all the toys on the sofa and chair, but I was touched all the same and they wre very proud. Kalla's fever has gone down for the moment and been looked over by a ped. Will do blood tests tomorrow if no improvement. Z got a ride with the neighbor boys to baseball.
Oh and we used to have rabbits. Dandelions was their favorite treat ever! :)
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