A month ago I hosted my last shower for a while. Nothing fancy, but I found a few cute things. I did a transportation theme because I found cute papers. Used the big cut outs (was a scrap book kit from Target) to tape to wooden dowels and gum balls for centerpiece.

Cut some small airplanes from one paper and taped to fishing line and hung to ceiling.

Used coordinating vellum baby boy themed papers to put in Target dollar spot frames and wooden toys to decorate...let the mom take home the frames as part of gift.

Of course did the paper dot garland (I'm addicted to making them for everything).

The gift...Target dollar spot came in handy when they had these adorable fabric buckets. Filled it with
hoodie towel and baby soaps and goodies.

Another boy gift...a
hoodie towel (tutorial on right side column) and bought a soft waffle knit blanket and appliqued an
initial on it.

Then it went in this fabric bucket with a few other goodies. :)
On another note, if you are live in the area and would like to come to a sewing bee/class I'm hosting check out the details on my Huntsville Craft Club group...button in the right column. Just let me know if you're coming so I can save you a spot! :)
You have such a gift for throwing parties. I love to watch what you come up with. Nice job!
Thank you Carrie! :)
I love this theme! I think it would be perfect for a shower for my friend that is having a boy in December. I'm definitely hoping to borrow some of these ideas!
I wish I could find those fabric buckets at my Target but I know I haven't seen them there.
I'll look for that scrapbook paper for sure as I love the table decor you did with it!
Thanks! The fabric buckets were at Target in the dollar spot a couple of months ago and are long gone I'm afraid. But the papers are still there in the scrapbook aisle at Target. :) Good luck!
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