Somebody is about to have a birthday.
I'm gearing up for an adorable woodland creature party.
Finishing up the invitations today and will share next week.
It is M's turn as star student for her school class this week.
Part of the fun is to take home this stuffed dog and keep a diary/take pics of your time together.
This morning we went to run our Friday errands.
Gotta love 4/5 yr old girl style.
It's not always pink. lol
We went to the car wash first.
I can't tell you how badly I've been wanting to go.
But when it rains most of the days for weeks, chances are slim.
Then there was my surgery last week.
Today I felt up to the rigorous vacuuming involved....that's the best deal of the $6 car wash is unlimited vacuuming!
I'm a little manic when it comes to my van.

Maressa is NOT a fan of the car wash.
She sits up front with me and we blast our fav music.
She was SO good though and very patient with my tedious vacuuming.
At the grocery store I surprised her with a favorite treat. :)
As far as my surgery, I'm slowly getting better.
I still get tired quickly and retreat to my fav cozy recliner soon after dinner. :)
I really plan to move past with so many random posts soon.
And get some crafting and sewing tutes soon!
I want to get a few skirts done for the girls.
Maressa a cute, simple skirt with pockets.
Will post when I do.
For Valentines day I don't even have to be creative this year.
I'm simply going to borrow someone else's.
Most of them from Jessica's blog Zakka Life.
She's got some amazing ideas!
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