Monday, February 2, 2009

Isn't it LOVEly... my first GIVEAWAY!

Valentines Day is one of my favorite holidays. AND my birthday is the day before (the 13th) so in honor of that I decided to do my first giveaway!

Here it is! This was SO fun to do! If there is decent response I will definitely have to do this again! So what is it?? A basket full of goodies!
The pink plastic tote basket is a Target dollar section find (I bought like 9 or so a month ago to save for future girly girl parties). In it is the following:

Lined zippered pouch made by me and cupcake key fob...made by me!

It wouldn't be Valentines without flowers and candy so included is a pot of daisy pens, made by me and my favorite truffles (don't worry I got myself some too!) I REALLY wanted to make a homemade sweet treat, but I felt it kinda risky to send such a thing through the mail and it make it there still edible and all.

And heart shaped strawberry shortcake soap, made by me and a rice heating pad. The heating pad is long enough to wrap around the back of your neck/on your shoulders, or use it for tummy aches or just to stick under the sheets for a toasty bed! Just microwave 2 minutes to heat. The inner pouch is removable to wash the cover. I actually made the liner with a knee high woman's sock. I originally planned to make leg warmers, but made the girl's different ones. So I though it would make a simple, cozy heating pad. :)

And lastly, I included the kids. Some homemade glitter playdough and a heart shaped cookie cutter. :)

So how do you enter?? Just leave a comment in this post about your most memorable (whether sweet, funny or horrible) Valentines gift. :)

Mine was a trip. Hubby took me to West Virginia for a ski weekend for my birthday and Valentines. This was pre kids, early marriage. One day maybe we'll go back.

I'll post the winner on Thursday. Ship on Friday. For my international readers, I will be happy to mail this to you, but note I can't guarantee it by Valentines Day. :)

While you guys talk amongst yourselves, I've got a room to paint and bunk beds to put together!

*****Drawing is closed! Winner posted in following post! :)*****


Fawn said...

Such a cute basket! My best Valentines Day memories are actually of my Dad. He's has the weirdest sense of creativity. He doesn't just buy flowers. One year it was a vegie boquet, complete with broccoli & cauliflower. One year it was pencils with cloth hair scrunchies wrapped around the tops. Whatever usefulness the gift actually was, you knew he put a lot of time coming up with it!

Mama Moose said...

My favorite Valentines Day memory was our first Valentines Day as husband and wife. My hubby showed up at my work and was waiting in the lobby when I left with a HUGE vase of beautiful roses. He was going to take me to a nice steak house, but since it was so expensive and the wait was so long, we ended up going to Arctic Circle's drive thru, getting a bag of burgers, renting a movie and going home. Snuggling on the couch was so much better then being across from each other at a crowded restaurant.

Thayer said...

Can you show us how to do the heating pad? I've been wanting to try one. Most memorable Valentines Day was 2006, I was scheduled to be induced with my second boy on the 13th (you guys would have shared a birthday) but he came on his own the 12th, so on the 14th I got to bring him home from the hospital and spend Valentines Day with the three most important men in my life!

Lisa said...

I have to start by saying I Love Your Blog! Every morning I am anxious to see what you have made. You are so creative. I love the valentine's basket. My most memorable Valentine's day was the year my daughter was born. She was born on Feb. 2. I was so tired and overwhelmed those first few weeks. My husband came home early with flowers, dinner, and a cake. I would have been happy with him coming home early empty handed!

kim said...

Love the basket, Deanna--such a cute idea!

I think my most memorable valentines day was the first one after we were married--I was about 4.5 months pregnant, had been SO sick up until that point, and that ended up being the last day that I threw up with that pregnancy. I even felt good enough to go out to a nice dinner that night, where the waiter brought a red rose (one of my favorite flowers) to each table and we ate shrimp (one of my favorite foods) and I just enjoyed the fact that I was with the man I loved and had a baby on the way who looked like was going to finally let up on the relentless nausea she'd been causing ;)

Donna said...

One year my husband didn't get me anything for Valentine's. Zip. Nadda. Nothing. Ok, I told him I didn't want anything, but I didn't mean it! I mean, he could have at least gotten me a card. When he came home from work empty-handed, I was not very happy. He went to his work shop and made me an awful "LOVE" sign out of wood - not even close to my style. I'm not very proud of the way I acted, but the next year I got diamond earings.
Love the basket!

Jessica said...

How fun, my birthday is the day after Valentines Day (15th) of my favorite Valentines Day was about five years ago, my husband surprised me with a trip to San Francisco. He let me do what ever I wanted when we were there. We accidentally found the coolest Chineese resturant in China Town by following a crowd of people up an elevator which took us to the top of a random building. The views from the resturant were amazing and food was so good. This was by far, my most memorable Valentines Day.

Melinda said...

My most memorable Valentines Day was nearly 6 years ago. The gift? Well, it came a day late, but it was definetely worth the youngest son Kaleb!!
I spent Valentines Day (the ENTIRE day) in labour, and in the wee hours of the next morning Kaleb entered the world, and much to my relief after a pregnancy filled with worry and fear, he was a healthy 7 pound baby. Valentines day had little meaning for me until that one, 6 years ago, when I was given a gift so precious and one that still means more to me than anything in the world!

Keri said...

Totally cute! I love the Heather Bailey pouch! I don't have a lot of VDay experience, but the Valentine's day before I got married, my husband and I bought each other the same set of chocolate playing cards because we like to play cards. I saved it because it was so cute, then one day my dad got a chocolate craving and ATE MY PRESENT!

Anonymous said...

wow!! what a fun giveaway :) i think my favorite was one that i gave as a family gift. i was pregnant with baby #2, so i took dh and dd for a weekend getaway to a hotel with a pool and an indoor playground for one last 'trip' as a family of 3 :)

Henry said...

I only had $10 to get my first boyfriend a gift, and I wanted to be original. So I got him a giant block of cheese. It was so much more clever in my imagination! That was 13 years ago, but I still feel bad about them. Maybe I'll track him down and leave flowers on his doorstep..

Carolyn G said...

What great prizes in this giveaway!

My most memorable V-day memory is the first Valentines spent with hubby. He took me away to St. Augustine FLorida to this darling pink B&B and it was fantastic. I also remember there was a huge storm and we were stuck in the B&B and that wasn't too bad at all. :)

Crystal said...

Hmmm. Valentine's Day? What's Valentines Day?? My husband is a law student and for the past three years has been gone for some school thing every Valentine's day (I'm including this approaching Valentine's Day). Bummer, huh? BUT I do remember that he's still an absolute prince. In fact, I know I can always count on him for my favorite, no-fail V-Day gift: red roses and a "fancy" dinner ("fancy" being anywhere without the girls, although out of despiration I'll settle for CRAZY "fancy" dinner if it's last minute and we can't find a babysitter . . .) Anyway, I hope I win! Love your blog!

Lee Ann said...

ooh mine probably sounds rubbish but I want to share anyway ;) ( and I do realise I live ridiculously far away in Scotland, sorry )

When my hubby and I became a couple I already had a little boy aged 18 months. So 5 months later for our first Valentines day we actually managed to go to Edinburgh for the whole weekend! It was so wonderful to spend some time properly alone together, the city is such a romantic place to be and although we didnt do anything "fancy" we just completely indulged in being together and being able to hold hands! As DS was usually in a buggy so one of us was always pushing it.

x x x x

Bex said...

The first Valentine's Day my husband and I celebrated before we were married, I bought him a devotional bible and he bought me pjs from Victoria's Secret. We were both suprised! It was very funny!

Crystal Corona said...

Deanna! This is soo cute! Every time I read your blog I want to make a craft. Then I get upset since Germany doesn't have Hobby Lobby. I did get a new fancy sewing machine for Christmas from Tony that I have yet to use! (I do have grandma Cleo's old one too) You have given me so many ideas that I can do though! SO THANK YOU FOR THAT! I too want to know how to make the sock rice heating pad. I have been wanting to make the flower pens for years now!!!

I have yet to spend a Valentines with my Husband. The past 3 years we were apart! So this year will be the first and we will spend it in Berlin at Tropical Island! Its an indoor water park and its open 24/7/365!!!

I think my most memorable was 2007. Tony sent flowers to my work and he sent me a package that arrived early! The package had a beautiful gold mask from Venice and in the card he told me how he wanted to take me to Venice the next year for our first married Valentines day together - but then I went home to a friends wedding!!!) He also sent a chocolate heart and a pretty glass bottle stopper from Venice.

Katie said...

Cool, I would so love to win. I especially love how the gifties are made by you!

Katie said...

Whoops I forgot to leave my favorite memory in the last comment!

My favorite memory is spending all day with my girl friends making roll out Martha Stewart cookies for our boyfriends. A lot of fun girl talk went on. Then I made a collaged container out of a paper bag to put them in. He still remembers those cookies, as I married him six or so years later.

silverhartgirl said...

When i was younger waking up to heart shaped pancakes and little goodies on the table.
mmm i love the choclate

Heather said...

So cute! I was making heart-shaped sugar cookies tonight. Who wouldn't want all the lovely things in your basket? Your pouch is so pretty, the daisies are insanely lovely and the playdough--too much! Happy Birthday to you.

YayaOrchid said...

Wow! You've really put together a winner! Everything in the basket is fantastic.

Hmmm....Our Valentines were always him giving me flowers and candy and a beautiful card. To this day it's the same thing. Gotta love him!

Anonymous said...

My favorite valentines day memory was taking my fiance to a roman jewish restaurant.

momma said...

my most memorable valentine's day was a few years ago, my husband was between jobs and was working part time. we had decided to do "no gifts" for each other until we were back on track (financially). he had saved up change (so i wouldn't notice) and got me a small box of very nice Godiva chocolates. there were 6 pieces in it. i cried and cried. sappy, i know, but still my favorite valentine memory!!

Lisa Samples said...

Very nice memorable Valentines Day was spent in bed (pregnant with diabetes & the flu) with my husband by my side massaging my feet...4 days later a better gift = my son!

Diane said...

My favorite Valentine's Day memory is receiving bookmarks with hearts on them made my daughters at school.

Luke and Mel said...

I actually have two. One was the year my husband wrote me a song. It was so sweet and he still sings it for me sometimes. The other was also before kids and we went out to dinner. The wait was supposed to be an hour and a half. Every time we went back to check they would tell us another hour. We waited 4 hours and ended up inviting the couple behind us to sit with us and have dinner since there was room for 4 at our table. We had become good friends over the last 3 hours! We never saw them again but I will always remember that night.

saraiwithani said...

I stumbled across your blog today while doing a google search for embellished hand towels and I'm glad I did!! You have such great ideas and I'll definitely be back to visit on a regular basis!

And while I'm here, I might as well enter for the giveaway! Money certainly isn't in abundance in our household, so my husband and I agree that spending extra money on holidays isn't a necessity. So, every Valentine's Day, we just agree to spend time together. We'll make dinner, play a game, watch our favorite tv show or just hang out and talk. I'd have to say that fancy romantic gifts are nice, but time with my love is the best of all!!

Celeste said...

Oh my goodness! Great giveaway! Well, we never really do anything extravagant for Valentine's day, but I teach preschool, and I really just love having our annual V-day party for the kids in my class - they enjoy it so much, seeing them get so excited receiving valentines from their friends makes me smile so! Actually, the party is on the 13th this year, so I'll think of your b-day too on that day! :D

contact me at:

Gloria said...

I got a new car on Valentine's day once, it just happened that way - we were planning on getting a new one anyway, and it ended up being my gift! lol

Chloe said...

My dog was born a few days after Valentine's day - so we consider her our Valentine's Day gift! :)

Simply Stacie said...

My favourite Valentine gifts are the ones my children make for me from school.

Angie said...

My parents got me a balloon filled with stuffed animals!!! I thought it was the coolest thing

DadTo2 said...

That is really cute, and I would love to win this for my wife. To answer your question, my favorite Valentine's Day Memory is when my wife decided to send me two dozen purple roses while I was attending class.

Needless to say the girls were jealous and some of the guys were too.


Hi Deanna! What a fabulous giveaway!

My best Valentine's Day(s) was during the years my kids were small and bringing me home those precious handmade cards from school. :o)

Karenladd said...

One of the most surprising Valentines gift I got was last year when my MOM sent me two dozen iris flowers, delivered! I was reallyi surprised because we never exchange Valentine presents, but she said she was just so happy to have a great daughter that she decided to send me my favorite flowers! What a great Valentines that was!

Peppermom said...

Oooohh! I love all that stuff!
I would love to have one of those cupcake keychains. Would you sell one?

Being a cake maker, I have tend to collect cupcake items!

You are awesome!

Peppermom said...

I forgot to post my story!

One Valentine's Day about 11 years ago, I had a terrible cold and took a hot shower to try to open up my clogged nose. When I got out, I heard Derek at the door of my house. I threw a towel on my head and my old robe on. He said he needed to ask me a question, would I marry him?
I started boo-hooing and had to run to the bathroom to blow my nose. I looked in the mirror and saw myself, rad-faced, snotty and with half dry frizzy hair! What a sight. You dream all your life how and when you will get proposed to and this was what I looked like?
Well, he didn't change his mind on the question and we have now been married 10 years!

Debbie L said...

Cute basket! My most memorable valentines day was when I was 12. My dad always gave me something for valetines day but this year he gave me a single rose and an emerald ring. Emeralds are my favorite! The stone was very tiny, like a grain of sand, and the band looked braided and bent very easily. I still have this ring 32 years later and it is still very special to me.

Anonymous said...

My most memorable Valentine gift was coming home to a spotless house and my favorite dinner cooked with candles. That was great. Thanks,

Jodi said...

What a great giveaway!! Thanks so much! One of my best Valentine's day was a few years ago. I was working as a teacher's assistant and my boyfriend sent me long stem roses to work. I felt so special that day. He really made me feel loved.


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