This vase is simply a 28 oz tomato can. I peeled off the label and washed it up real good. Then I used mod podge to glue a cute paper on and tied a piece of rick rack around it. Put in a couple of inexpensive bouquets to match the colors and voila! We hosted a surprise birthday party for a lady in our small group/bible study last night. It was about 30 folks (including kids) and a potluck. Being the person I am I couldn't let that stop me from making a few things pretty and decorated.

So if you are hosting a large gathering/potluck there are still some inexpensive and easy ways to spice it up a bit. We of course used all disposables. I got a big box of the nice clear plastic ware at the grocery and the higher quality dinner napkins. I wrapped up the cutlery in the napkins and simply taped a strip of pretty paper about them. As far as disposable tablecloths, I prefer the thick paper ones in the party aisle. They just seem 'richer' than the flimsy plastic ones that slide all around. On the buffet table I put a big white one and cut a square from a red one and layered it on top of the white in a diamond kind of shape.
And at night end, the party girl got to take home the bouquet in it's vase with all her birthday cards. :) Once the flowers die the 'vase' would make a great pen/pencil holder...ohhh these could make great teacher gifts too! I'll have to remember that next year! ;)
Clever and colorful! Great idea to wrap the napkins, I bet your friends were impressed!
Hi Deanna! I love your blog, and left you a little something on mine. Go get it!
Peggy, thanks! I'm not sure this particular (older) crowd is impressed by such gestures, but I can't help myself anwyay and it makes me happy. ;)
Mommy Dear, thank you so much!
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