I am getting back in the groove (somewhat) from being in Costa Rica for 7 days with just hubby. We went to visit/encourage brethren at a congregation near San Jose that our local congregation helps support some for the first half of the week and vacation the second half.
So.....here are a few of the 200+ pics we took (some not great quality as it is with my point and shoot because the kids broke my slr...note the lack of cute anecdote kid story on that one...no I did not scream, kick or throw a tantrum about it, but I am REALLY really really bummed.)

So the first pic and the one above is from a home that is on the side of a mountain where we visited with a sweet family.

This is the ridiculously small car that the car rental place had reserved for us. Note my hubby is 6'3". lol Four of us went many miles in that thing!
On the vacation side, Matt and I stayed in a condo near the coast. The first full day we took an hour and half drive to
Manuel Antonio national park. There we took a tour where the guide carried a large telescope for us to see all the animals and living creatures of the park. Many we saw close up as well.

Here is a lizard that can 'walk on water'.

A squirrel monkey carrying her baby.
A sleepy howler monkey.
A sloth and her baby.
White faced monkeys very active in the trees near the ground.

Brown iguana (we saw a green one too on a tree).
The beaches in the park were awesome.

After our tour we hiked back in a mile to swim here. It was warm and very relaxing with the jungle all around you! You just had to watch for the monkeys while you are swimming so they don't come steal your stuff (they have a reputation!)

Then we ate at a cool restaurant that sat on top of a hill that was eye level with the tops of the rain forest trees. As the sun went down the howler monkeys came out.

This beach was closer to our condo. It's called Jaco.

This was Matt's treat. They just slice the top of these coconuts off and stick a straw in. I'm not terribly adventurous with eating. I am embarrassed to admit that I ordered a ham and cheese grilled sandwich and fries twice at restaurants. lol

And on our way out we stopped at this bridge where alligators were sunbathing. Nearby is a big field of cows who seemed strangely unafraid of them.

This was the view on the side of the road on the giant mountain we had to go over to get to the coast from San Jose. It was very high up and very scary when we first went over and it started to rain hard all the way back down. I don't think I've ever prayed so hard in a car!

And here we are...fairly early in our trip, after lunch where we were treated to a fancy lunch on the side of a mountain.
So lots to say, but not enough time to write it all down. I missed the kids A LOT. Matt teases that this is my last trip without them...yeah I whined a lot. Came home to Z's end of season baseball party on Saturday...oh yeah and our 11 year anniversary! :)
PS, no I didn't see any of the celebrities out there....lol
Sounds like an awesome trip--I really want to go to Costa Rica, although I think I would prefer to NOT take the kids :) I miss them when we'er away, but then I'm so much happier to see them after.
your blog is awesome..really cool
we have a arts n crafts blog too
we would love you to visit our blog and possibly link our blog in yours. we are happy to do the same in return
thank you
Glad you had a great time! You needed that time away!! Hey, the kids survived, didn't they?! (We were gone 15 days when we went to China. It was torture for me!) Beautiful pictures. You are making me long for another "honeymoon" even more!
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